Saturday, October 15, 2016

PhilNITS Quezon City

I was browsing JobStreet when I chanced upon employment requirements that mentioned PhilNITS certification.

What the hell is that? In my life I've never heard of that; when I found out what it is, it destroyed me. WHHYYY? It is something I should've known since forever but no one in my circles have ever mentioned it... *sighs*

Anyway, please go ahead and check it out, students and/or practitioners of the computer field. Since my course BSCS does not have a licensure examination... We beggars can only rely on certificates.

When I checked Google Maps, there was:
  1. PhilNITS Foundation Inc.
  2. Philippine National IT Standards (PhilNITS) Foundation, Inc. (RELOCATED HERE FROM MAKATI)
In the details for PhilNITS QC, they only have a mobile number... I asked for their landline via SMS and inquired through the number they provided. I thought about making an edit on their details in GMaps but I decided against it. Who knows why they didn't have their landline indicated there? This one doesn't want to bother herself to ask.

The important information here is, THE MAKATI OFFICE DOES NOT EXIST. More accurately, they've relocated to the Quezon City one -- is what I've gathered from the phone call.
Q: Ah, nagrelocate po kayo?
A: Yes po. 
(Non-verbatim; my memory sucks.)
Okay, so I tried to go there because I'm stingy (and eternally broke) and I don't want to pay the 275 PHP delivery cost for a 1000 PHP book. Add to that my quest to verify the answers I got regarding exam registration, and to ask about the training/s I forgot to ask through the phone call.

I didn't trust GMaps directions; I estimated with my eyes, so instead of going down Betty-Go Belmonte LRT-2 station, I got down at Gilmore... I REGRETTED THAT DECISION SO MUCH. (I was looking at GMaps through my phone so I guess my brain messed it up.)

Well, I did manage to reach the place after sweating a bottle; I was the idiot in bue T-shirt that walked the full length from Gilmore station to Petron gasoline station (the landmark at the corner of Balete Drive and whatever street that was that I walked on, where LRT-2 ran on top of) -- I refused to board a jeepney because I thought Petron is visible from Gilmore station and thus a breeze of a walk (I CANNOT BE MORE WRONG. It was a delusion.) Haaay. My arrogance might've been fueled by my new sketchers flex sole that feels okay even if my feet were actually smaller than it's size. At least I got to see the facade of Robinsons Magnolia. H&M can be seen from its outside.

Guys, please just go down Betty-Go Belmonte station; from there PETRON IS VISIBLE. (Look, even in the GMap the station icon is visible; Damn the entirety of LRT-2 isn't easily recognizable from it.) I didn't bother to check the difference in fare since I only got my Beep(TM) card that day; it's fun to rush past the gates. Hoho.

There is (are?) a jeepney route that runs on the both lanes of (that which is apparently named) Aurora Boulevard; I didn't bother to remember because I'm bitter about it. (lol) I will add it here, the route name, in the future if I have time (, spare kindness and interest). Added this to my TODOs.

By the way, there are lot's of... uh... people in ambush by the Gilmore station... I assume they might be employees of the nearby gadget shops, trying to market their goods as early as they spot one who might be needing their services... I was followed by a persistent one until I said "Wala" in annoyance, in response to their question if I needed something (again non-verbatim, I wasn't paying attention and only wanted to shake them off.)

Ah, I don't have an oppressive aura that could repel people... I do look vulnerable so I need to always be on the rush and alert, especially when I am going places alone.

Back to the topic, when you reach Petron (just walk from Betty-go Belmonte station; ask the guards down the station - though I wonder if they really know since I myself didn't ask - THAT ARROGANCE) just go along Balete Drive. It's the building at the corner of 3rd street and Balete Drive. The entrance is along 3rd street; inform the guard of your business, PhilNITS is in the 3rd floor. The elevator looks quite scary... the floor buttons do not light up, the doors takes ages to close (though that might just be me who doesn't know its tricks) and from inside the elevator there's no way to tell what floor you are in already... Just take the stairs if you don't have water inside your bag. Haha. On the way down I did take the stairs instead~ (I didn't write in the logbook since Kuya Guard didn't instruct me to. There was an Ate mopping the lobby but she didn't say anything either so I just helped myself into the scary elevator.)

Going out from the elevator in the third floor, you need to turn to the right to find unit 304 of PhilNITS. There's a buzzer on the door, it's quite hard to spot (if you're not expecting one), but I suspect they don't make a habit of locking it... I took pictures of their door... just to get pictures. (Excuse the lack of 'quality'.)

The shelf in front of the door (inside), contained the books... The first IT Passport book handed to me was partially soaked - I requested for a switch, thankfully there are still other copies. From the shelf itself though, there seem to be only two to three copies left of each kind of book; The website too says that they only have limited copies... It worries me that when I finally need the higher level books, they would run out of stock.

The book costs 1000 PHP, but apparently they have 100 PHP student discount; PRESENT YOUR STUDENT ID! (Don't forget your receipt~) I just stuffed the book in my back while they prepared the receipt. They were supposed to go in 'envelope(s)', but I didn't request one since it's necessary. I didn't know what the envelopes looked like, but I guess their just the typical long brown ones... The book is thick and quite heavy. Eh, the lighting is forever terrible inside the house; the book is (somewhat) neon orange (the background is supposed to be white).

On the wall to the left (with your back facing the door), there's a whiteboard that seems to list Trainings -- there was none listed. When I asked about it, well, there doesn't seem to be trainings available, the Ma'am one who seems to be in charge said that those who take the exam rely heavily on just the books (non-verbatim).

That same lady asked whether I am taking the exam (she was referring to the October 16, 2016 exam; I visited there October 14, 2016). What a question! Well, its good that she's concerned. (Thanks Ma'am. Even if my arrogance is sky-high, I wouldn't dare to take a certification exam without months of preparation, since I'm an idiot and my memory sucks. Add to that the lack of funds for the exam registration, lol.)

On the way home, I rushed walking towards Betty-Go Belmonte station... There was an abandoned building on that side (on the same lane as Petron) - I'll just mention this since there are people taking shelter by the pedestrian (further to the building, sleeping, but still). I lazily went up the stairs because the station was unpopulated (around 4PM, estimate) and because I can. All the walking killed me. Up the station the view is rather nice (since its near sunset), but the humidity in this country is really unforgiving, ne? At least LRT-2 isn't as crowded as LRT-1; with a little scheming (abang), I was able to sit down, yay!

(The train was approaching and so the failed panorama. Ahahaha.)
It's just nice how unpopulated it was. I sat down at the right(side) end of that pale purple(?) bench for senior citizens and PWDs (there were none of them around and so they were unoccupied). The pictures were taken while I sat there catching my breath.

That's all, folks! If you have questions... do not direct them at me (who's not a PhilNITS sage; I only knew about this, this week).

There's something called ITPEC Top Gun... I tremble in excitement whenever I remember about it. (Hello, conceit.) If I ever got the luck to top the exam (which wouldn't happen before I pass the easier IT Passport exam), I'll throw a party, then find some place where I could bungee and scream profanities at the top of my lungs.

My chances and confidence will only exist depending on the result of this Level 1 exam... God, its still far into next year but my brain matter is already spilling through my eyes due to self-pressure.

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